Oct 26, 2012

Installing Statspack in 10g or 11g Standard Edition

Login with Sysdba previleges and run the below script

SQL> @ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/spcreate.sql

******The spcreate install script runs 3 other scripts (NOTE: You not need to run these!)

******spcusr -> creates the user and grants privileges
******spctab -> creates the tables
******spcpkg -> creates the package

Choose the PERFSTAT user's password
Not specifying a password will result in the installation FAILING

Enter value for perfstat_password: XXXXXXXXX

Choose the Default tablespace for the PERFSTAT user
Below is the list of online tablespaces in this database which can
store user data.  Specifying the SYSTEM tablespace for the user's
default tablespace will result in the installation FAILING, as
using SYSTEM for performance data is not supported.

Choose the PERFSTAT users's default tablespace.  This is the tablespace
in which the STATSPACK tables and indexes will be created.

------------------------------ --------- ----------------------------
REPORTS                        PERMANENT
X1_DATA1                       PERMANENT
X2_DATA2                       PERMANENT
X3_DATA3                       PERMANENT
X4_IDX1                        PERMANENT
X5_IDX2                        PERMANENT
SYSAUX                         PERMANENT *
USERS                          PERMANENT

Pressing <return> will result in STATSPACK's recommended default
tablespace (identified by *) being used.

Enter value for default_tablespace:

Using tablespace SYSAUX as PERFSTAT default tablespace.

Choose the Temporary tablespace for the PERFSTAT user
Below is the list of online tablespaces in this database which can
store temporary data (e.g. for sort workareas).  Specifying the SYSTEM
tablespace for the user's temporary tablespace will result in the
installation FAILING, as using SYSTEM for workareas is not supported.

Choose the PERFSTAT user's Temporary tablespace.

------------------------------ --------- --------------------------
TEMP                           TEMPORARY *

Pressing <return> will result in the database's default Temporary
tablespace (identified by *) being used.

Enter value for temporary_tablespace:

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